
SJWP Community: Chair – Aimee’ Killeen

The U.S. Stockholm Junior Water Prize (SJWP) was founded in 1997 by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) to complement the Stockholm Water Prize. The SJWP is the world's most prestigious award presented to a high school student for a water-research project. Since the prize's inception, WEF has conducted the U.S. SJWP to send a national winner to the international competition.

The competition is open to all high school students in grades 9-12 who have reached the age of 15 by August 1 of the competition year, and have conducted a water-science research project.

Awards and Nominations Community: Chair – Andrew Alleman

The Awards and Nominations Community is lead by the immediate Past-President provide oversight of CWPLa’s program of awards and nominations, to ensure that the program appropriately represents the scope of the vision and mission, and make recommendations to the Board to change or add awards and recognitions as needed.

Collection Systems Community: Chair – Vacant

The collection systems community aims to protect public health and the environment by promoting the safe and efficient collection and transport of wastewater. The committee provides a forum to review, discuss, and address local and national issues involving wastewater collections systems, including technological advancements, and regulatory policies.

Government Affairs Community: Chair – Vacant

The Government Affairs Community reviews and analyzes existing and proposed legislation, regulations and policies in the environmental field with specific emphasis on water quality and water resources-related issues. The committee serves as a source of information for government officials and other policy makers, and carries out programs to encourage discussion and educate members about government affairs issues.

Operators Community: Chair – Vacant

The community shall develop, promote, and conduct activities demonstrating the skills and knowledge of water professionals. The community is responsible for coordinating the competition activities of operator members to attend the annual competition.

Students and Young Professionals Community: Chair – Nadine Robertson

The objective of the SYPC is to encourage and facilitate student and young professional involvement in CWPLa through professional development and leadership opportunities. The SYPC is made up of students, young professionals, academics and water quality professionals.

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